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PFC Presents Ask A Chef with Culinary Confidante

Check out PFC's Ask a Chef with Culinary Confidante Series, a collection of all the Ask A Chef videos that covers a plethora of kitchen related topics that were originally presented live. Whether it be talking about pantry ingredients, spices, or ingredient substitution, Chef Crystal has you covered. We guarantee that you'll be informed and entertained.

May 19 2020

Ask a Chef: The Right Tool For the Job

(Skip to the 3:00 minute mark to skip the intro)

Did you know that a dull knife is more dangerous than a sharp knife?

Check out this FINAL Ask A Chef episode to learn more about kitchen knives and other culinary gadgets. Chef Crystal of Culinary Confidante reviews what tools she recommends you keep on hand for a well-equipped kitchen. She also shows us a few of her favorite kitchen toys + answers many questions from the audience!


May 5 2020

Ask a Chef: Reducing Food Waste

(Skip to the 3:00 minute mark to skip the intro)

Did you know that the average person wastes more than his or her own body weight in food each year? Check out our 7th(!) video in our Ask a Chef Series to find out what you can do to reduce your food waste. Watch Chef Crystal of Culinary Confidante review best practices for managing the food you buy to reduce and/or eliminate waste.
She also gives us a few produce prep tips and touch on different ways that you can actually use your food waste.


April 28 2020

Ask a Chef: Making the Most of Pantry Ingredients

(Skip to the 3:00 minute mark to skip the intro)

Check out this installment of Ask A Chef for some pantry inspiration as Chef Crystal of Culinary Confidante gives us a few tips on what to do with the items in the back of the cupboard, including a few recipe ideas. She also covers what items you should be shopping for to reduce trips to the grocery store while still cooking a varied menu.
She also answers questions from her viewers!


April 21 2020

Ask a Chef: Storing Produce & Keeping it Fresher for Longer

Chef Crystal of Culinary Confidante discusses ways that you can make the produce that you're already buying last longer. Crystal covers where to store your produce as well as what type of container it should be stored in. She also shares a few of her tips for regrowing foods right in your kitchen, no special equipment needed!

(Skip to 2:20 to get to the beginning of the show.)


April 14 2020

Ask a Chef: Salad Dressings

Check out Prairie Food Co-op's fourth installment of Ask of Chef with Culinary Confidante: Salad Dressings.
Using ingredients that you likely have in your pantry already, Chef Crystal discusses (and show us!) how to make a basic vinaigrette along with a few variations. Crystal also covers dressing pairings for different salads as well as how to make an emulsion. Not sure what an emulsion is? Check this out to learn more!


April 7 2020

Ask A Chef: Recipes- Tips, Substitutions & Improv 

Join chef Crystal of Culinary Confidante for part three of our Ask a Chef series where she talks about recipes. In this installment she covers the basics of following a recipe as well as what to look for when browsing recipes online including how to know if you’ve found a good recipe. Crystal also discusses recipe adjustments and substitutions- especially helpful during this time of limited grocery shopping. Check it out!


March 31 2020

Ask A Chef: Spices with Culinary Confidante

Watch Crystal of Culinary Confidante walk through her spice cabinet and discuss what to do with certain spices as well as which spices to regularly keep on hand. This was very fun and very informative. We also got to witness Crystal deal with a potential disaster like a pro. Come for the information, stay for the fun!











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