Pursuant to Section 10.3 of the Bylaws, the Bylaws of the Prairie Food Co-op may be amended or repealed only at a meeting of owners, provided that the proposed amendments are stated or fully described in the notice of the meeting at which the amendments are to be adopted.
Voting shall be a "yes" or "no" vote to the entirety of the proposed language amendments to each of the Bylaws as proposed below. The proposed amendments are set forth by way of strike through of existing language and proposed new language is set forth in red.
The following amendments to Sections 4.2 and 6.2 of the Bylaws are proposed for referendum by the Prairie Food Co-op ownership at large:
PROPOSED BYLAW AMENDMENT #1 - Vote "Yes" or "No" on your election ballot:
Section 4.2 - Number and qualifications. The Board shall consist of not less than seven nor but not more than eleven individuals, as determined by the Board by reason of the workload of the Board and the availability of qualified candidates. For all elections, but for the first election of directors, to be qualified as a candidate for director, a person shall have be a bona fide member of a household that has, as to any but the first election of directors, been an owner for at least six three months prior to the commencement of the election of directors. and shall not No candidate for director shall, on the basis of reasonable belief supported by evidence, have a personal agenda with respect to the Co-op, or have an antagonism against the Co-op, or have an overriding conflict of interest with the Co-op, or otherwise be disinclined to act in the best interests of the Co-op. No director shall serve more than three successive terms. No director may not run again until the next scheduled general election of the board. No employee shall be eligible to serve as director.
Comment: The purpose of the proposed Section 4.2 Bylaw amendments is to clarify and increase accessibility for Prairie Food Co-op Owners to become candidates for an elected post on the Board of Directors.
PROPOSED BYLAW AMENDMENT #2 - Vote "Yes" or "No" on your election ballot:
Section 6.2 - Election, terms, and removal. Board Officers shall be elected by the Board at its first meeting within 90 days following the annual meeting of owners. Officers shall serve for terms of one year or until election of their successors. Officers may be removed or replaced by the Board at any time whenever the best interests of the Co-op would thereby be served.
Comment: The purpose of the proposed Section 6.2 Bylaw amendments is to ensure that the Board of Directors has sufficient time to acclimate after the election of any new Directors by Owner vote at the Annual Owners Meeting and to allow the Board time to determine the most appropriate Directors to fill Officer roles for the new term.