This letter serves as an open call for Board of Director applications. There are seven positions up for election. Prairie Food Owners interested in running for the Board may do so by submitting an application on or before April 30, 2015.
To be a qualified Board member:
- Candidate must be a Prairie Food Owner in good standing for at least 6 months.
- Candidate must not have any conflict of interest with Prairie Food Co-op.
- Elected Board members serve a term of one to three years (candidates with the most votes get the longest terms). Board members are limited to three consecutive terms.
Currently, the Board of Directors meets bi-monthly (1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 7:00-9:00 pm). There is an expectation that Board Members will reasonably attend all meetings. The Board uses shared online management tools and Directors must therefore have access to the internet and e-mail. In addition to bi-monthly Board meetings, Directors are also expected to be present at Owner meetings and some Outreach events. The Board of Directors’ duties include, but are not limited to, overseeing the operations and finances of Prairie Food Co-op, establishing policies to govern operational decisions, preparing for an Owner Loan campaign, and assuring that the purpose and mission of Prairie Food co-op are properly carried out. As Board members can attest, this is very rewarding and will give you the opportunity to influence policies that will determine Prairie Food’s direction and make our store a reality. Board members will tell you it’s really exciting to take such an active role in the process of starting a co-op in our community.
If you missed the candidate information session on April 11, then click here to view the presentation and learn more about serving on our Board.
Election Process
Candidate profiles will be posted online in early May. All Owners in good standing will be given the opportunity to vote for Board candidates. Voting will be conducted securely online from May 21 - May 31. Paper ballots will be available at the Annual Owners on May 31, or by request. Ballots will be emailed to Owners and election results will be announced after the Annual Owners Meeting on Sunday, May 31.
Submit Your Application!
Submit a Board Application form, including a jpeg photograph of yourself. All applications must be submitted by April 30, 2015. Applications will be reviewed by the Board to ensure that candidates are fully qualified to run for the Board.
Please send us an email