Prairie Food Co-op Community Grocery

October 2023

Hello Prairie Food Co-op community! Welcome to my first newsletter, where I update you all on the progress being made at our site at 837 S Westmore-Meyers Road, and also some of the behind the scenes work going on. 

Our site, and the Eastgate Center as a whole, is in the middle of its exterior renovation. Much, if not all, of the old fascia on the north end has been removed and replaced with a gorgeous brick. If you’re not aware, the DMV on the south side of the plaza is moving right next door. We are very excited about our new neighbor to the west! Speaking of neighbors, PFC would like to thank our neighbor to the east, ACE Hardware, for being so welcoming. (Stay tuned for fun, collaborative events hosted by ACE and PFC coming in the near future!)

Behind the scenes, there are many volunteers working diligently to secure our grant money so that it's cleared for us to use. This is an intensive task that requires many hours of work and dedication. Once landlord renovations are complete and grant money is cleared for use, we can begin building out the inside of our grocery store. We are also currently working on our storefront signage. The initial design is big and beautiful!

In the next few weeks I will be securing more equipment and fixtures for the store, as well as reaching out to all the wonderful vendors/producers who have shown interest in being a part of PFC. As these vendors come on board I will be highlighting them in future newsletters. If you know of anyone who may be interested in being a vendor for our store, and is passionate about local, organic and sustainable products, please direct them to this link: 


I’ll be hopping around the Lombard area in an effort to meet as many owners and community leaders as possible. Please say "hi" if you see me!

Speaking of owners, thank you Amy Burns for being an early PFC Owner! Number 69 to be exact. She helped me secure a library card for PFC at Helen Plum Library!

I can't wait to meet more PFC Owners in the coming months! 

See you all in the aisles soon.

Jason Krapausky
PFC General Manager

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