Did you know that “Fresh” flowers from the grocery store aren’t really so fresh after all?
We at PFC consider ourselves pretty educated about the grocery and produce industry, but were shocked to learn that most flower bouquets are covered in toxic residual pesticides and fungicides. Next time we put flowers on our dinner table or go in for a smell, we’ll have to think twice! Did you know that almost 80% of flowers sold in the US are imported mostly from South America? Neither did we! Imported flowers are laboratory bred by massive factory farms to ship and survive many days out of water and are half-dead by the time they reach us. They also leave an enormous carbon footprint!
In celebration of our newest Owner #654, Blue Moon Flowers & Botanicals, we are excited to announce the give-away of a 12 week LOCAL and SUSTAINABLY GROWN flower bouquet CSA subscription! One very lucky member will receive an ENORMOUS bouquet of flowers for 12 weeks this summer (a $335 value)! if we reach our goal of 25 Owners in the month of May.
We are proud to have another great CSA in the DuPage area to support and are thankful for their support of us. Not only are these flowers locally grown, but they are grown using sustainable practices, and aren't covered with chemicals when you put them on your table. These bouquets are also HUGE and bursting with color and fragrance!
Blue Moon is also offering a generous PROPs to all PFC Owners so check that out too! In the meantime, if you've been on the fence, we ask you to get off the fence and smell the roses over here at Prairie Food Co-op. Just a one-time $200 fee or $25 installment payment and you not only are a proud Owner of your community Owned grocery store, but you also support a grocery store that will support a family farm like Blue Moon Flowers & Botanicals. Please consider Ownership today. Become a May Owner and you "may" end up with a summer of flowers!