Prairie Food Co-op is excited to take part in our 5th Glen Ellyn Earth Day (organized by the Glen Ellyn Park District)!
Come enjoy Lake Ellyn Park this Earth Day. Bring a picnic lunch, rent a canoe, listen to music, take a guided tour, and get your green on! Learn the latest in sustainable living, glean ideas on greening our community, and get a dose of nature at this FREE event on April 22. Highlights of the event include:
- Green Expo with representatives from earth-friendly organizations like your beloved Prairie Food Co-op
- Kid’s activity stations and scavenger hunt
- Canoe/kayak rentals ($5/boat for 20 minutes)
- Majors Junction will perform live music from 2-3:30pm
- Enjoy “Earth Art” created by local Glen Ellyn youth
- Purchase an upcycled rain barrel (also available for pre-order)
- Food will be available for purchase from Heavenly Hot Dogs and Marcel’s Culinary Experience
We're also excited to announce that PFC will be purchasing and raffling off a beautiful 50 gallon terra cotta rain
barrel to one new Owner we get between NOW and the end of the festivities on Earth Day IF we receive at least FIVE new Owners in that time. So become an Owner today and if at least four others join the PFC family, you're eligible to win this awesome rain barrel!
With odds like these this is a great time to jump aboard!
Age: All
Cost: Free