Why are you interested in serving on the Prairie Food Board of Directors?
Lombard needs a full service grocery store in the heart of the village -- preferably a store which concentrates on locally grown, organic food choices. I believe that my background and experience will help make this a reality.
What experience, education, and skills do you have that you feel will contribute to your effectiveness as a Prairie Food Director?
I have spent more than 30 years working in accounting and finance and have Board-level experience with the Villa Park Public Library, Elementary School District 45, the Boy Scouts, and the York Center Community Cooperative. In addition to the YCCC, I have been a member of the Hyde Park Food Co-op, the Seminary Co-op Bookstore, New Horizons Energy Co-op, Scenic Rivers Energy Co-op, and now PFC.
What experiences have you had with food co-ops in the past?
I was a member of the former Hyde Park Food Co-op in Chicago and shop regularly at several food co-ops in Wisconsin.
What else would you like Prairie Food owners to know about you?
I put the needs of the organization above my own and try to work in a cooperative fashion in all my dealings.