Prairie Food Co-op Community Grocery

2019 Annual Owners Meeting

What a year! With 950+ Owners and a site on the horizon, we are excited to share our annual State of the Co-op. Along with a brief overview of our progress and next steps, we will be voting for the Board of Directors. We are also thrilled to welcome Holladay Properties presenting details about their 101-109 S. Main St. development that includes our very own Prairie Food Co-op! 

Doors will open at 6:30pm with the meeting beginning promptly at 7pm. Light refreshments generously provided by the Prairie Food Coop Board.

Come, mingle, learn, celebrate, and vote!

April 30, 2019 at 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Helen Plum Library
Ruth Fink-Winter Kelly Kwok Chrysa Gandy Lisa Pint Rebecca Gandy Vivian Quam Diane Dassow Marian Tomlinson Anitra George Robin Cox Mary Reetz Katie Benka Kathy Volpe Crystal Echevarria Jessica Stratton Robert Weister Rita Gronemeyer Pamala Campbell Elizabeth Zollars Bonnie Gahris Paul Wyzkiewicz Dawn Bertuca Eileen Kennedy Arlene Kendorski Sally Chidlow Hebert Jenny Chidlow Suzanne Kolars Tara O'Leary Geoffrey Bevington Diana Stavreff Loryn Ankeny Roy Warshawsky Larry Burnside Christine Wilson Laura Misek Diane Niemann Jeffrey Phillips Brooke Bingaman Katherine Nash Stephanie Wills

Will you come?